Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Breakfast (My First Outing as a Political Candidate)

It turns out the Senior Citizen's Center in Chatsworth turns out a wonderful breakfast. For a small donation, I was privileged to partake in this meal. As it turned out, there were 14 candidates for commissioner sitting at a very long table, trying to make small talk with one another. It almost seemed as though we would spend the breakfast just talking to one another nervously, instead of doing that famously political thing: Getting Out Amongst The Public.

Oddly, the chance at a 5 dollar breakfast (with everything you could expect to get on a Shoney's breakfast buffet, and every bit as good) did not bring out the crowds. I did have a chance to speak to few people, one of whom was Sanitation Engineer for Eton. Now, I know the fellow has many other duties, but one of my childhood dreams was to be a garbage truck man. I figured that was a job that people knew was vital, and thus would always be happy to see you coming. And (I was very young) you didn't have to bathe, and it didn't matter what you wore - everyone knew you were a vital part of the community.

So I told him I wanted to ride on the truck. He seemed to acquiesce to this, and so I anticipate that one Saturday morning, I will get to do just that! (Oh come on - I know I'm not the only person who wanted to do this!)

Other highlights:

I met with our Animal Control Officers, who are underpaid and overworked. How's that? They have 2 full-time people to staff an office that deals with hundreds of calls day and night. Lest you forget, Murray County is a rural and agrarian community - which means that calls involve not only dogs and cats, but include livestock and wild animals of all sorts. Which means if you come upon a cow lost in the middle of the road, they'll be the ones who get the call and have to try to sort it out no matter what hour it is. As commissioner, I hope to look into their funding and see what I can do, and if needed, I'll help out (by doing calls!)

I was also reminded on many things that are actually federal issues - school prayer, immigration, abortion, guns, and others. As you can imagine, I can't do anything about federal issues. Going against the feds in the above issue leads to lengthy and may I say EXPENSIVE court cases - and I'm not about to draw the county into such things when it looks like we already have a federal investigation on our hands.

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